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Public Records and Freedom of Information Act


Per Arizona Revised Statue, all records, with the exception of patient care reports, are a matter of public record.

This includes all documents, emails, instant messages and training/personnel records.

If you have a records request, please use the Contact Us page and indicate you're requesting records.
Every effort will be made to provide the requested documents as quickly as possible.


Patient care reports are protected as a matter of federal and state law.
To access them, you will need:

  • To be the patient and provide photo ID along with a written request for the record.
  • To be the current Healthcare Power of Attorney, provide photo ID and a written request for the record (Healthcare and Durable Power of Attorney are ONLY valid if the patient is unable to make their own decisions).
  • Provide a valid court order 

Please be aware, that there are circumstances where we may or may not required to file a patient care report.

  • Only Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) and Paramedics are required to file a patient care report.  The only data we will have are the times, location and basic information about the call.
  • If the transporting agency arrives on scene prior to our arrival, THEY will have the patient care report.  This is called a "Medic Assist" and does not require our personnel to file a patient care report.  The only data we will have are the times, location and basic information about the call.
  • If we arrive on scene prior to the transporting agency AND our personnel are either an EMT or Paramedic, we BOTH will have separate patient care reports.  This requires our personnel to file a patient care report.
  • If we arrive on scene prior to the transporting agency BUT our personnel are NOT EMTs or Paramedics, the transporting agency will have the patient care report.  This is also called a "Medic Assist" and does not require our personnel to file a patient care report.  The only data we will have are the times, location and basic information about the call.
  • If we arrive simultaneously with the transporting agency, THEY will have the patient care report.  This is also called a "Medic Assist" and does not require our personnel to file a patient care report.  The only data we will have are the times, location and basic information about the call.
  • The closest transporting agency is currently Healthcare Innovations.  However, if they are not available, the transporting agency could come from Sunsites-Pierce Fire, Whestsone Fire, Fry Fire or Sierra Vista Fire.